Why You (REALLY) Should Examine Your Lady-Bits In a Mirror

4 Reasons Why You (REALLY) Should Examine Your Lady-Bits In a Mirror Ladies – I implore you… please examine your lady bits, the external part called the vulva, including the outer and inner labia. I mean really pay attention. Get a hand mirror, move skin around, and learn to know what is YOUR normal.

2019-07-02T14:55:47+00:00July 2nd, 2019|

When Exercise Makes You Pee

It's a sad tale that I hear all too often. "I love running/Zumba/CrossFit/hiking but it makes me leak!" It's true. When a the pelvic floor and core muscles aren't working well, urinary (or worse) leakage can happen. The next sentence out of my patient's mouth, usually falls into one of two categories. "Because I leak [...]

2019-06-21T19:27:28+00:00March 28th, 2019|
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