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Could You Identify the Signs of Prostate Cancer in a Partner?

While it’s important for men to monitor their own health, it’s sometimes helpful for partners to know the signs of prostate cancer. For women, they are often very attentive to their partner’s health, but because they don’t have the same “equipment” they might miss some of the important red flags for prostate problems. According to [...]

2018-11-18T15:04:41+00:00November 22nd, 2017|

Breast Cancer and the Pelvic Floor: The Elephant in the Room

Some of the largest secondary complaints of women who have undergone breast cancer treatments are problems with their vaginal and vulvar (external genitalia) region. Many treatments for breast cancer and those for improving survivorship force the body into a menopause-like state. Some of the issues these women experience might include vaginal dryness, burning, itching, overwhelming [...]

2018-01-27T04:52:24+00:00October 29th, 2017|

Could You Identify The 10 Signs of Breast Cancer?

Are you confident that you could spot the signs of breast cancer? In a recent study conducted by Avon Products Inc, 19,000 women were questioned about 10 common signs of breast cancer. Only 2% of the women sampled could identify all 10 symptoms correctly. Furthermore, 25% of them thought that a breast lump was the only [...]

2018-01-27T04:51:49+00:00October 15th, 2017|

C-Section Massage Techniques

I get asked a lot about C-section scars. And yes - I think that some women need to have their C-sections rehabilitated. See here for my thoughts on that. But this post is to demonstrate some of the basic myofascial, or massage-like techniques that I use to help get a C-section scar moving better.

2018-01-27T04:49:46+00:00September 25th, 2017|

Tales of a Physio Student

If you asked me before I started PT school if I would be interested in pelvic floor physiotherapy, I probably would have looked at you funny because I didn’t even know it existed. I always thought I would get into the sports world and work in strictly orthopedics. It wasn’t until I realized that many women and men can’t compete, let alone participate in physical activity, because of urinary incontinence and pelvic floor dysfunction.

2018-01-27T04:44:41+00:00July 4th, 2017|

Why We Should Pay Attention to C-section Scars

A ceserean section delivery is no walk in the park. Even a well healed, really good scar is, well....scar tissue. It can affect how you use your core muscles, your spine and hip flexibility, your posture and your pelvic floor muscles. In my opinion, it should be rehabilitated.

2017-09-12T18:43:11+00:00May 28th, 2017|
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