I’m a Pelvic Floor Physio and I Tried Knix Underwear

Warning - I'll be talking about my period and period-proof and leak-proof underwear. So, if things like that bother you, turn back now! This is not the blog for you! Sometimes periods are annoying. Like when I am super busy and have to find time to get to the bathroom every 2 hours annoying. Or [...]

2019-06-21T19:24:19+00:00June 8th, 2019|

When Exercise Makes You Pee

It's a sad tale that I hear all too often. "I love running/Zumba/CrossFit/hiking but it makes me leak!" It's true. When a the pelvic floor and core muscles aren't working well, urinary (or worse) leakage can happen. The next sentence out of my patient's mouth, usually falls into one of two categories. "Because I leak [...]

2019-06-21T19:27:28+00:00March 28th, 2019|

Feeling Split? What a PT Student Learned About Diastasis

Diastasis recti, or abdominal separation, is something that we see a lot when working with Moms. So often, that it serves as a great teaching tool for physiotherapy students! Read below, for what my lovely PT student Danielle learned about this condition over the summer.  Diastasis. Recti. These are two words that strike fear into [...]

2019-06-21T19:27:47+00:00July 19th, 2018|

The Importance of Glutes

So, technically the buttocks (a.k.a. glutes) are not part of the "kegel" muscles. However, our recognition of their role in pelvic floor (and general) health is growing. I spend a lot of my time correcting posture and exercise form so that stress is taken off of the pelvic floor and put back on the glute [...]

2018-01-27T04:46:16+00:00July 13th, 2017|

Tales of a Physio Student

If you asked me before I started PT school if I would be interested in pelvic floor physiotherapy, I probably would have looked at you funny because I didn’t even know it existed. I always thought I would get into the sports world and work in strictly orthopedics. It wasn’t until I realized that many women and men can’t compete, let alone participate in physical activity, because of urinary incontinence and pelvic floor dysfunction.

2018-01-27T04:44:41+00:00July 4th, 2017|

Why We Should Pay Attention to C-section Scars

A ceserean section delivery is no walk in the park. Even a well healed, really good scar is, well....scar tissue. It can affect how you use your core muscles, your spine and hip flexibility, your posture and your pelvic floor muscles. In my opinion, it should be rehabilitated.

2017-09-12T18:43:11+00:00May 28th, 2017|

Returning to Exercise After Pregnancy

After having a baby, I'm a huge supporter of returning to activity slowly, progressively and when your body is ready. But don't take my word for it. Meet Amy! Read about her journey of post-pregnancy return to exercise.

2017-07-04T01:21:24+00:00May 17th, 2017|

Recovering from Pregnancy

A lot happens to the body during pregnancy and delivery. I don’t care which way that baby comes out, there is healing that needs to happen!

2017-07-24T16:16:18+00:00May 14th, 2017|

When Kegel Exercises Do More Harm than Good

Women everywhere seem to be well aware of a kegel exercise. But what if you already have tight pelvic floor muscles? For this group of people, performing unnecessary kegel exercises can create or worsen problems.

2017-07-24T15:58:19+00:00April 19th, 2017|
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