Returning to Exercise After Pregnancy
After having a baby, I'm a huge supporter of returning to activity slowly, progressively and when your body is ready. But don't take my word for it. Meet Amy! Read about her journey of post-pregnancy return to exercise.
Recovering from Pregnancy
A lot happens to the body during pregnancy and delivery. I don’t care which way that baby comes out, there is healing that needs to happen!
What is the “Core” and Why You Should Care
Do you really know what the “core” is? Many people think of the “core” as the abdominals....the six-pack muscles, or the obliques. Not true
When Kegel Exercises Do More Harm than Good
Women everywhere seem to be well aware of a kegel exercise. But what if you already have tight pelvic floor muscles? For this group of people, performing unnecessary kegel exercises can create or worsen problems.
Pregnancy and Running
I am often asked, can I run while pregnant? For a pelvic floor physiotherapist that can be a very loaded question. Firstly, the health of the growing baby and mother are of utmost importance...